GC Fitout - TSL IPUT Unit 4 - Site Specific Induction - Docusafe

GC Fitout - TSL IPUT Unit 4 - Site Specific Induction

To be completed by all GC Fitout Personnel

GC Fitout - TSL IPUT Unit 4 - Site Specific Induction

"*" indicates required fields

Inductee Name*

1. Project Description

The works involve (but are not limited to) the following:

  • Metal stud partition to Ground Floor and First Floor areas, studs, insulate, skim/tape and joint
  • New grid and MF plasterboard ceilings to select areas on Ground Floor & First Floor
  • New Raised Access Flooring to sections of Ground Floor & First Floor
  • New floor finishes to office and common areas on Ground & First Floor
  • New doors, frames and ironmongery to new doors on Ground Floor & First Floor
  • Decorations to walls, selected ceilings and woodwork

2. Access and egress

The project supervisor Kieran Hewitt or the (PSCS) shall provide safe access and egress to the work areas through the ground works and staircase. Contractors must not obstruct or endanger normal access to the areas outside the immediate area of the work.

3. Site specific safety rules

All operatives are required to sign in/out daily via the site QR code.
No works is to be carried out outside unit
Suitable personal protective equipment must always be worn when on-site. As a minimum this project, will include a hard hat, Hi-viz vest and safety footwear.
No smoking on site
No works to start on site until all rams/spa’s/GA3/hot work permits etc. are completed

4. Deliveries

GC Fitout TSL IPUT Unit 4 will be responsible for all delivery arrangements for their own and their subcontractors’ deliveries of equipment and/or materials.

5. Clean as you go

All Sub-Contractors are responsible for always keeping the site safe and tidy. If GCF management, feel this is not being adhered to on site they will action accordingly and contra charge for the cleaning of the site and any other areas of the building if necessary.

6. Lock out/tag out arrangements

Please speak with GCF Site Management prior to starting any works in the building/unit.

Please treat every service as live until it has been confirmed otherwise by the management team.

7. Welfare Facilities

On-site welfare facilities are provided

8. Sign in Station/Notice Board

Please ensure when you arrive on site you carefully read the on-site notice boards, it has all of the site-specific information you require in the event of an emergency.

I wish to confirm that I attended a Safety Induction Training Course. Guidance was given in relation to the following matters. Tick to indicate subjects discussed;*
Do you agree to abide by the site rules and to wear the correct PPE at all times?*
Have you been briefed on your company safety statement & project method statement?*
Are you a ‘Young Person – under 18 years of age’?*
DD slash MM slash YYYY